£300 million Manchester coliving scheme to get underway

UK: Developer Downing has signed a Section 106 agreement with Manchester City Council, signalling the start of work on its major cooling scheme in Manchester its centre.

George Downing Construction, the developer’s contracting arm, has been given the go ahead to start building the 2,224-bedroom scheme on First Street. The development, which features a 45-storey tower, was granted planning permission last year.

The developer had hoped to start on site sooner but construction of the project could not begin until Downing and Manchester City Council signed a Section 106 agreement outlining the conditions that must be met to progress the project. That agreement was signed earlier this week.

The development will include 1,113 apartments, divided between one-, two-, three-, four-, and five-bedrooms, along with 1,091 studio apartments.

Around 44,000 square feet of amenity and surrounding public realm are contained in the proposals.

Downing bought the site, Plot 11 on the edge of First Street, from investment manager Patrizia last March for around £18 million. SimpsonHaugh is the architect for the project.

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